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The Google Memo What Does the Research Say About Gender Differences This post is authored by Sean Stevens Hx. As Research Director and Jonathan Haidt Director of Hx. A.  This is our main post on the the Google memo. We have also put up two supplemental posts 1 The Most Authoritative Review Paper on Gender Differences, and 2 The Greater Male Variability Hypothesis.  But start here. The recent Google Memo on diversity, and the immediate firing of its author, James Damore, have raised a number of questions relevant to the mission of Heterodox Academy. Large corporations deal with many of the same issues that we wrestle with at universities, such as how to seek truth and achieve the kinds of diversity we want, being cognizant that we are tribal creatures often engaged in motivated reasoning, operating within organizations that are at risk of ideological polarization. Eventually well write a separate post on the broader issue of the value of viewpoint diversity at Google, and in corporations in general. But first, in this post, we address the central empirical claim of Damores memo, which is contained in its second sentence. Let us quote the first three sentences I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and dont endorse using stereotypes. When addressing the gap in representation in the population, we need to look at population level differences in distributions. If we cant have an honest discussion about this, then we can never truly solve the problem. The heart of Damores memo is a section titled Possible non bias causes of the gender gap in tech. Damore argues that there are population level differences between men and women in some psychological or behavioral traits that might influence peoples career choices, and their success in those careers. He illustrates his basic framework for looking at potential population differences with this figure Damore challenges the way that Google is currently pursuing diversitywith a heavy emphasis on implicit bias trainingand its assumption that gender gaps necessarily show the existence of some form of bias.  Damore argues that a company that was completely free of bias and discrimination would not end up with a 5. Paleoanthropology Phd ProgramsHis memo is structured as an argument against a position he refers to as the extreme stance that all differences in outcome are due to differential treatment.  Is Damore correct that such population level differences exist Its very hard to evaluate empirical claims about politicized topics because everyone can cherry pick the studies that support their side for longer discussions, see here and here. The best way to establish the truth in such cases is to examine meta analyses, which are studies that integrate the findings from many other studies. We list all the relevant meta analyses and large sample studies we have found so far in section 2, below, along with their abstracts. But first, in section 1, we collect all the commentary we can find from experts who are writing about the Google memo specifically. And finally, in section 3, we give our own views about how to make sense of the complicated and conflicting set of research findings. If you think we have left out any major experts or meta analyses, please let us know in the comments at the end, and if appropriate we will add it to this list. We intend this post to be a living document that brings together in one place the best empirically grounded arguments on all sides. It will be updated regularly. We focus here on research on sex differences in interests, traits, and abilities that might be related to codingengineeringSTEM. Paleoanthropology Phd ProgramsWe do not address Damores claims about sex differences in traits said to be related to leadership abilities. Leadership is a messy topic, in part because there are many styles of leadership. See Eagly Johnson, 1. Eagly, Johannesen Schmidt, van Engen, 2. In this review, we also do not address Damores claims that some gender differences are rooted in biological factors, such as the effect of prenatal hormones on brain development. Meta analyses cannot tell us the origins of differences. Most researchers studying these questions assume that biology, childhood socialization, and current context interact in complex ways, and most psychologists know that pointing to a biological contribution such as a genetic or hormonal influence does not mean that an effect is hard wired, unmalleable, or immune to contextual variables see Eagly Wood, 2. Damore did not acknowledge. In this review we focus only on whether population level differences exist. Paleoanthropology, evolution and genetics. Why is open science important in archaeology Are you curious about open science, but dont really know. La Trobe University is an Australian, multicampus, public research university with its flagship campus located in the Melbourne suburb of Bundoora. The history of science is the study of the development of science and scientific knowledge, including both the natural sciences and social sciences. See this essay on why it is mostly claims other than this one that have generated most of the outrage. A company like Google must hire from the existing population of adults. Google and other tech companies can surely take steps that will influence the next generation of boys and girls, but to make progress toward its diversity goals Google must have an accurate understanding of the current population of men and women from which it is trying to recruit. Do population level differences exist between men and women CURRENT COMMENTARY ON DAMORES MEMOA GENERALLY SUPPORTIVEHere are the experts who have said that Damores main assertions about gender differences are, for the most part, correct and backed up their arguments with citations. B GENERALLY CRITICALHere are the experts who have written that the memos assertions about gender differences are, for the most part, wrong and backed up their arguments with citations C IN BETWEENHere are the experts who have written that the memos assertions that gender differences exist and that biology plays a role are correct, but are interpreted overly simplistically to reach incorrect or premature conclusions. META ANALYSES AND LARGE SAMPLE STUDIES OF GENDER DIFFERENCESMeta analysis is a method of examining the effects found or not found in dozens or hundreds of studies, converting the effect sizes to a common scale, and then finding the average across all the studies. Emplois, bourses, prix Association loi 1901 dutilit publique Socit Prhistorique franaise. Its a very powerful technique that allows researchers to examine questions such as Does the effect get larger or smaller as we limit our analysis to only the best done studies What broad statements can be made about a body of literature Although meta analysis is a powerful technique, it is not perfect for an overview of strengths and weaknesses see Rosenthal Di. Matteo, 2. 00. 1. It would be ideal if a researcher could not only identify, but also obtain all of the relevant data on the phenomenon of interest. However, this is an impossible task for any single meta analysis to achieve. Paleoanthropology Phd ProgramsStatistically significant findings are more likely to be published see Rosenthal, 1. No single meta analysis will be able to identify all of the relevant studies. Paleoanthropology Phd ProgramsThis is why we have decided to bring together many meta analyses in one place.  We have included relevant meta analyses on sex differences in interests, personality traits, behaviors and abilities that might be related to codingengineering from 1. We also included large cross national empirical investigations N 1. N 1. 0,0. 00 of gender differences. Again, we acknowledge that the evidence we present is incomplete this is a first pass, which we will update with the input and help of others. GW Arts Sciences FallWinter 2. Columbian College of Arts and Sciences. GW Arts Sciences FallWinter 2. Published on Oct 1.