Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows

Posted by admin- in Home -16/09/17
Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows Average ratng: 3,9/5 3990votes

The solar eclipse is rapidly approaching and, for the towns that happen to be in the narrow 70mile band of best observation, this means gearing up for quite the. Handle Windows Authentication Popup using Selenium Webdriver. We can handle using two ways using credentials in URL or using AutoIT. But now that the breach is known to be CVE20175638, the software company isnt pulling punches. In a statement, Apache Struts wrote, This vulnerability was. Axis2 Tutorial. Apache Axis2 Tutorial. Axis2 web services tutorial. What is Axis 2 Axis2 client example, Axis2 WSDL2Java, Axis2 Ant Java2WSDL. Exist eXist Native XML Database and Application Platform. Remote wipe for Windows clients. Ive recently had this situation where an employee was fired, and then refused to return his laptop to the company. I cannot break into his home to return the hardware. But at least, I can make sure the software volume licences are really removed from the hardware. I did this with my own, self built remote wipe function. How to do a remote wipe of a Windows client that you own WARNING DO NOT use this method on other peoples computersDont ever do vandalism, just use this to protect your data from thieves. Prebuilt software. Below is a manual on creating software to wipe a system. You may also download my prebuilt software. Unzipping this in the c of your computer will wipe the harddisk. Social solution for technical limitations. The bootsector of a harddrive is overwritten in a jiffy. But this can easily be restored with special tools. If you overwrite the whole harddisk, the data cannot be restored. But overwriting takes a lot of time. If youre telling the thief hey, im now overwriting the harddisk, hell probably switch it off. So we need to scare the thief into not turning of the computer. I did this by printing a text microsoft update being installed and saying that the user should absolutely not switch off the computer. Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' title='Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' />Requirements. To build the software for a remote wipe, you need Administrator access to the stolen laptop. A virtual machine like VMWare to test it. An identical laptop would even be better, cause it has the exact same drivers. Step 1. Build grub bootloader. You can build your own bootloader or use my grldr. Ccleaner Msi Installer here. Compiling on my x. In grub. 4dos tempgrub. This is the grub bootloader. Copy it to the c of the computer you want to wipe. Step 2. Get yourself a linux kernel. I simply used the running Cent. OS kernel of my development machine, named bootvmlinuz 2. I renamed this file to bz. Image and copied it to the c of the victim. Step 3. Make a initrd. With a regular Linux installation, all files are placed on a Linux ext. Unfortunately, we dont have such a partition. Thats why we put all tools in a initrd initial ramdisk. We may need SATA drivers, so as a base we use the initrd associated with the kernel we use, which is bootinitrd 2. Download a statically linked dd executable. Or build it yourselfwget https www. Now edit the file init to load all required drivers, make dev nodes and finally wipe the system. My init file contains binnashechoecho here I have 4. MicrosoftTM WindowsTM is applying updates. Running pre update checks echo Windows kernel OKecho Drivers OKsleep 1echo Diskspace OKecho Disk fragmentation Defragmentation required to continuesleep 1echo Defragmenting harddisk. This may take a while. Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' title='Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' />Please wait. WARNING Do not turn off your computer to prevent damageecho mount t proc proc procmount t sysfs sys sysmount o mode0. Warning You may need drivers to access the harddisk, for instance ahci. Check the victims chipset and load the correct drivers. Finally, merge the files to 1 initrd file find. H newc o gzip tmpinitrd. Step 4 menu. lst. ApacheAnt/img/xanttest20.gif.pagespeed.ic.GKBICQ9ZkX.png' alt='Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' title='Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' />Create a file named menu. Installing updatekernel hd. Image quietinitrd hd. Step 5 boot. ini. Rezya.png' alt='Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' title='Apache Ant 1.8 2 For Windows' />Which version of Java is required to run Apache Ant You will need Java installed on your system, version 1. The hidden system file c boot. Remove the system and hidden attributes. Then edit boot. ini to contain the following information boot loadertimeout0defaultc grldroperating systemsc grldrMSWIN Updater serviceStep 6 Check. The c of the victim now contains c grldrc menu. Imagec initrd. gzc boot. Check that all files exist. Step 7 Reboot. With psshutdown part of microsofts pstools reboot the victim psshutdown computer r t 0. Dont wait for the victim to reboot his computer, he may not reboot it but suspend instead. Geek. Lab. Info. Remote wipe for Windows clients is a post from Geek. Lab. info. You are free to copy materials from Geek. Lab. info, but you are required to link back to http www. How to install Apache Ant to Linux Redhat Cent. Tekken 2 Game Setup For Pc here. OS server Did you search for the package apache ant in your RPM database If youre not using your RPM for installing packages and why wouldnt you, you can download Ant directly from Apache. Note that there are directions for JPackage RPMs too. Just in case you change your mind about not using RPMs. Ant is a Java program, so you must have a Java JDK installed Ant will run under the JRE, but you couldnt build Java apps with that, and make sure that the java command is in your Path. However, that also means that there is no special version of the Ant binary for each platform, so its much easier to install. Download and extract the Ant archive to a suitable directory opt or usrlocal or usrlib or whatever standard youre using. Inside the archive, when unpacked, will be a bin directory. Those files under bin are mainly shell scripts the ones that end with. Windows Batch files, you can ignore those. Just execute those. I like to symbolically link those files under Apache Ants bin directory to a similar name under usrlocalbin directory. That way, you dont need to put usrlocalapache ant 1. PATH. And thats really about it.